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Transforming leadership to build an inclusive and sustainable world.

We believe organisations can be both financially successful and responsible for their people and the planet if they have inclusive leaders.

Get in touch

Our ambition is to ignite one million leaders to embrace inclusion as their core value as leaders, creating a ripple of positive impact on business performance, innovation and people’s lives.

Our approach

We are scientifically driven
We believe that data is critical to activate change
We focus on diagnostics and assessments
We adopt a coaching philosophy to enable impactful growth

Our model

As an evidence-based company, understanding the science behind inclusion is at the heart of everything we do, including our Dual Systems Model of Inclusion®. The model is a framework that helps organisations and individuals to understand and consequently develop factors influencing inclusion at individual and cultural levels.

An Inclusive Leader Needs An Inclusive Culture And An Inclusive Culture Is Made Of Inclusive Leaders.

Our services

The Science of Inclusion and Exclusion Masterclass

The masterclass includes the benefits of inclusion on business performance, how we are wired to exclude by default, what drives inclusion and practical tips to lead more inclusively.

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The Inclusive Leader Development Assessment

The development assessment provides a framework for leaders to develop their inclusive leadership capability. We adopt a mixed approach, combining a self-assessment with 360 component. The feedback report is explored with either one to one or group coaching to facilitate behavioural change in a safe and empowering way.

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Inclusive Leader Group Development Programme

Delivered by highly qualified coaches, this immersive programme is designed to accelerate inclusion capability. The same cohort works together, during this time developing trust for each other, support and confidence in transforming their leadership style so that inclusion is at the very core of their approach.

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The Inclusive Culture Diagnostic

The survey is brief, minimising participant fatigue, yet the organisation receives a focused heatmap with powerful insights. These insights inform how to prioritise resources and actions including analysis based on intersectional experiences.

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“I engaged the services of the Inclusive Leadership Company to help with the design of a new survey. After exploring different providers I was drawn to them due to their extensive expertise and rigorous approach. Priscila and Rebecca have been outstanding. They conducted a thorough literature review, designed the scale, conducted the statistical validation and prepared a comprehensive and professional report. Not only am I delighted by the high quality of their work, but they are also refreshingly easy to work with – always professional, flexible and incredibly personable. I cannot recommend them enough”

Sharon Peake, CEO

“I worked closely with the Inclusive Leadership Company on a multi-faceted organisational development project. Our shared curiosity for understanding what is happening and why, as well as our mutual passion for putting people and inclusivity at the forefront of achieving impactful change, meant they felt like an extension to the team. They are highly skilled and empathetic facilitators and researchers with talents in listening first and then asking the right questions, as well as creating a safe environment in which to explore challenging concepts and issues. On a personal note, I have learned so much from them which I have taken into my own professional practice. It’d be great to work with them again in the future”

Karen L, EDI Lead

“The Inclusive Leadership Company works closely with clients to understand Diversity and Inclusion needs. Their professionalism, knowledge and expertise in the area of diversity and inclusion is exceptional. Their effective use of diagnostic tools gave us confidence that decisions we were making were evidence based, data driven and would effect change”

Pauline Collins, Senior EDI Manager

“Inclusive Leadership Company designed and conducted an inclusive recruitment workshop for our talent acquisition team that helped us to identify our own inclusive recruitment tools and techniques. The content and format were extraordinary and set the knowledge for your TA team to ensure fairness and a diverse team”

Maria Valero, Head of Culture and Social Responsibility

How can we support you?

To find out how the Inclusive Leadership Company can support you, contact us.

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